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22 Jun 2010

Short Hairy Style:

Short Hair Style:

Most women likes short hair cut but this is not for every one,this depend on face shape,body and hairy types.
A short hair style that suits your face and your personality can drastically improve the way you feel, by boosting your confidence and making you look younger!The type of hair style you can wear is best determined by the shape of your face and head.A short hairstyle on a woman can be sleek, sophisticated. It can be cute and perky. It can be funky and cool.It appears that the shagged short hair styles with sharp edges is phasing out and the graduated cut with flexible layers is in. Some women alternate their short hair styles between slicked back to curly to wearing it straight.
he popularity of short hairstyles is increasing again. During the past months a lot of ladies have been growing their hair out since fashion was going moretowards longer hairstyles. Many are cutting it short now and soon short hairstyles will be trendy again.Short hair can be very attractive, comfortable and ... sexy!
Don't be afraid to trade your long locks for a cute short hairstyle. Many have been taking the plunge already and are now very happy with their new look.Very short hairstyles can have a breathtaking effect, so don't be afraid to show your ears and to get your nape buzzed

Gallery Of Short Hair Style:


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